Frequently Asked Questions
Thanks for purchasing From Bud to Boss on audiobook.
If you'd like to join the Bud to Boss Community, you'll find instructions for joining on the last page of your PDF.
You can find your PDF by first signing into and then clicking on 'Library'.

Then scroll until you find From Bud to Boss and click 'View PDF'.

There are multiple levels of membership in the Bud to Boss Community:
- From Bud to Boss Book Owner - The Bonus Bytes mentioned in the book to supplement and expand on the book content.
- My Journey From Bud to Boss Book Owner - Supplemental materials to enhance the book content.
- Bud to Boss Workshop Participant - From Bud to Boss Book Owner content, plus access to all documents for and recordings of each of your workshop sessions.
- Bud to Boss On-Demand Purchaser - From Bud to Boss Book Owner content, plus access to all documents and videos from each module of Bud to Boss.
- Bud to Boss Individual Module Purchaser - Access to all documents and videos from each module of Bud to Boss you purchase.
- Bud to Boss Certified Trainer - From Bud to Boss Book Owner content, Bud to Boss On-Demand Purchaser content, plus Training Manuals, Training Videos, and Slides to use in your own Bud to Boss workshop sessions.
The instructions are in the Bonus Bytes section of Chapter Two (page 5 of the hard cover book, or the last page of the pdf file that came with your AudioBook).
Try this - close your browser, re-open it and then try to login again. This should clear any session cookies from your last browser session that blocked your access. If this doesn't work, please let us know.
The most likely cause is a duplicate record in our system. Let us know and we can get it fixed.
Close your browser, re-open it, and try to login. This usually fixes the problem. If it doesn't, let us know.